Can NFTs rule the world?

Muhammad Nauman Qamar
4 min readMay 21, 2022

Isn’t it remarkable to consider that this time last year, most people had not heard of NFTs? A research study conducted in December 2021 found that only 6 percent of surveyed art dealers globally claimed to have sold NFTs. NFTs have now captured the attention of the world.

In today’s society, NFTs quickly capture the public’s attention and inspire their imagination. Because people value digital goods and affirmation, NFTs will play an important role in our future. In addition, NFTs enable peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating intermediaries and allowing creators to be more innovative and rewarded.

What is an NFT?

An NFT is an asset that is both unique and possesses verifiable ownership. It could be an artwork, a game asset, a PDF, or even a tweet. By “minting” (creating) a digital asset as an NFT, a creator creates a cryptographic token containing the digital signature of the wallet that created the ticket.

NFTs and Stablecoins

A major drawback of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is their volatility, making many people hesitant to invest in them. A stablecoin would alleviate this problem. Subcategories of cryptocurrency are linked to underlying assets, thus reducing the volatility.

It is possible to develop a new type of stablecoin collateralized by a pool of NFTs with a known value that is not likely to change over time. An NFT-backed collateralized stablecoin could be collateralized at a lower percentage than the current generation without involving fiat currencies. It will also maintain blockchain technology’s decentralization, security, and transparency.

NFTs and the metaverse

Metaverses are a hot topic in the technology community at the moment. The term refers to a connected, persistent digital ecosystem that is more immersive than today’s internet — perhaps involving virtual reality (VR). Through a consistent digital environment, we will be able to play, work, socialize, travel, and educate ourselves.

As digital assets are created in the metaverse, people will come to value them. People may value their car, home, or clothes on their back just as they value their digital goods. The question is, how will we prove ownership of these digital goods? Using NFTs, of course! A 2021 study indicates that 44 percent of people state to join metaverse for NFTs and Crypto.


AI (artificial intelligence) is the next major disruption in technology and blockchain. NFTs and AI will be the next great revolution in technology.

AI will be used to generate NFTs based on the study of the art of renowned artists, followed by hundreds of thousands of iterations to figure out their patterns and techniques. Thus, a unique painting will be created.

Art in the future

NFTs have provided artists with an excellent opportunity. Furthermore, artists have greater control over the work they produce without relying on corporate forces or intermediaries. In this way, the artists can directly contact their customers and sell their work.

Additionally, NFTs were also instrumental in eliminating the problem of plagiarism and wanton copying caused by the internet. Artists and other creators will greatly benefit from this. A huge increase in the global sales value of art and collectibles non-fungible tokens (NFTs) was seen in 2021, reaching 11.16 billion U.S. dollars.


It is often said that there are two sides to every story. One side proclaims that NFTs are the future, while the other says it is merely a fad that will soon fade away. In reality, no one can predict the future with certainty. However, the fact remains that there are a lot of big players investing heavily, and there’s a firm belief among some very smart and well-resourced people that technology will play a key role in our futures.

